Any adolescent would be able to tell you that a hashtag is used on social media to group information together by topic, theme, or content. Search #Prom2018 and you will certainly find a plethora of prom photos posted on Instagram. Sometimes it also provides an opportunity for teens to cleverly caption a photo and obtain more likes or followers, #squadgoals. Nevertheless, the purpose here is simple. Just as we strive to be culturally competent across racial and ethnic groups, we should also strive to learn just as much about adolescent online culture, especially if adolescents are the primary population of clients we are working with. As you’ll see in the next section, the more you know, the better questions you can ask!
Any adolescent would be able to tell you that a hashtag is used on social media to group information together by topic, theme, or content. Search #Prom2018 and you will certainly find a plethora of prom photos posted on Instagram. Sometimes it also provides an opportunity for teens to cleverly caption a photo and obtain more likes or followers, #squadgoals. Nevertheless, the purpose here is simple. Just as we strive to be culturally competent across racial and ethnic groups, we should also strive to learn just as much about adolescent online culture, especially if adolescents are the primary population of clients we are working with. As you’ll see in the next section, the more you know, the better questions you can ask!
Assesing for an addiction to Social Media
Assesing for an addiction to Social Media

"What do you enjoy doing on the computer?"

"What do you enjoy doing on the computer?"

"What do you enjoy doing on the computer?"

Assessing Adolescents' Social Media Usage
Below the Social Media Assessment are two tools: one for clients and another for clinicians.
Clinicians can provide their clients a visual handout to guide discussion of their technology and social media use during an assessment session. Clients may then take notes on their personal handouts and keep it as a reflective tool.
The clinician's tool is a formal printout of questions where they can document client responses. This form may be added as an addendum to the biopsychosocial assessment already used in practice.